Do I need a referral?
You can refer yourself without a GP or specialist referral. Simply book in, or contact us an appointment.
What kind of an appointment do I Need?
If you have not seen an audiologist before, the first appointment involves having a chat with Dr Young about your hearing and general health history. She will ask you a few more specific questions in regard to your hearing and communication needs. A Hearing test will be administered to see where you hearing is at and the results will be explained to you and appropriate advice will be given. Book an initial consultation if this is your first time at Young Hearing, the appointment will take approximately an hour.
If you already have been to an audiology clinic before, the general rule is a new hearing test will be required every 12 months. The latest test results are used for hearing aid fine tuning and adjustment. A hearing aid review appointment will include a hearing assessment and necessary adjustment to your hearing aids, it may required another shorter follow up appointment if you hearing aid required a repair or service.
For hearing aid troubleshooting, a short appointment can be made to have your hearing aid checked to see if anything can be done on site or required manufacturer service.
If you suffer from ringing or noises in your ear/s, the first thing to do is to have your hearing assessed. A tinnitus consultation appointment consists of hearing assessment and recommendations and information on tinnitus will be provided.
Custom ear plugs required an ear impression appointment for ear impressions to be taken.
If you are not sure of what type of appointment to book, simply contact Young Hearing to book a suitable appointment.
Can I get a free hearing TEST like elsewhere?
You may see many clinics advertise 'free hearing check/test', which is usually a screening test either by some of those automated online testing, an automated test booth or manually tested by a trained tester. Screening test differs from a diagnostic test as the goal is just to see if you have significant hearing loss that required further testing.
Young Hearing offers special free hearing screen sessions from time to time, please contact to make an inquiry.
How long does a hearing test take?
A hearing screen can be as fast as 15 minutes, or a quick check will take about 30 minutes. Allow an hour for a full diagnostic test.
How much does a hearing test cost?
A basic quick hearing test is $56.53 + GST. A diagnostic assessment without report is $95.66 +GST, a full diagnostic test with a full report is $113.05 +GST.
Before Your Assessment Appointment
Managing ear wax
A few drops of olive oil or almond oil can help soften wax, which may help wax to naturally move out of the ear canal. Let the oil soak for 5 minutes and repeat the process for your other ear. Repeat this process for a few days.
Cotton buds, syringing, ear candles and other alternative ear wax removal methods are not recommended. It is advisable that ear wax to be removed by micro-suction if you think you have a lot of wax in your ears. Young Hearing clinic do NOT offer service for wax removal. A number of qualified ear-nurse practices offers micro suction service through Wellington and Lower Hutt region.
Limit noise exposure
Please limit significant noise exposure a couple of days before hearing test to ensure accurate results.
How much does a hearing aid cost?
Hearing aid cost rage from $1500 to $5000, depending on the technology level.
There maybe third party funding option available to assist you. The most common third party funding is the Ministry of Health Hearing aid Subsidy scheme. The Ministry of Health’s Hearing Aid Subsidy Scheme provides $511.11 (including GST) per hearing aid to adults (over the age of 16) who have a permanent hearing loss and need a hearing aid, are New Zealand citizens living in New Zealand or permanent residents who are not covered under the Hearing Aid Funding Scheme. Click Here for more Information on Hearing aid Subsidy.
At Young Hearing, the costs and fees are transparent - every item and service will be itemised. This means you will see the cost of hearing aid(s), accessories and consultation and appointment fee will be listed individually.
Hearing aid troubleshooting and repair
Hearing aids required maintenance and repair from time and time. Contact Young Hearing if you are experiencing faults with your hearing aids. You will be advised the best way to have your hearing aid repaired in a time efficient manner.
How many appointments do I need for getting my hearing aids?
required. The initial fitting appointment will take an hour.
In the fitting appointment we have the hearing aids setup and tune to your hearing, you will be shown how to manage and care for them. Our body need a little bit of time to adjust to hearing aids. A couple of half and hour follow up appointments (2-3 weeks apart) are required to allow for fine tunings and adjustments.
At Young Hearing, these appointments are usually set into a single hearing aid fitting fee. For some people it maybe better suited to go by individual appointments, which is perfectly acceptable.
How long does a hearing aid last?
With appropriate care and maintenance, your hearing aids are expected to last 6 years and a little beyond. They do require regular checks and tuning. Your annual review appointment is the best time to get them clean and check by Dr Young.