How Well

Can You Hear

Hearing Assessments for Children under 5 years old

Assessing young children often involve other means than just behavioural testings method. If you have concern over your children's hearing, talk to your primary health care provider first. 

Assessments for children under 3 years of age are carried out at your local public hospital Audiology Clinics. Talk to your doctor to arrange an referral.

4 year old children will typically have B4 school check that including hearing screening before they start school. To learn more about B4 school check, click HERE.

Hearing Assessments for Adults & Children over 5 years old.

• Hearing Screen and quick check

• Diagnostic Audiological Assessment

• Civil Aviation Hearing Assessment

• Pre-employment Hearing Assessment and return assessments

• Tinnitus

Audiology assessment (hearing test) normally consists of several different tests to give us a full picture of how you hear our world. Children in New Zealand have their first hearing screen as a newborn and again at before school check at 4 years old. Young children have different type of hearing tests due to their age and physical maturity. For most adults, behavioural measurements are what most of us know as the hearing test.

Pure Tone Audiometry 

This is the most know hearing assessment for us who are 6 years and older. Human can hear sounds range from 20 hertz to 20,000 hertz (Hz). Clinically we test from 250 Hz to 8000 Hz as it is where human speech spectrum overlaps. Ears are tested separately under headphones or foam earphones, you will be asked to press a button or simple say yes each time you hear a tone. The aim of this test is to seek the level of sensitivity of your hearing at the pitches measured. The results are shown on a graph.

Immittance Tests

These tests show the status of your middle ear (the part that is behind the eardrum), to see how well sounds are conducted through the eardrum and the three tiny middle ear bones - if it's healthy, or you may have fluids present, or other conditions. 

Speech Audiometry

When Pure Tone Audiometry showed that there is some degree of hearing loss, we usually carry out speech testings which will give us some indications of how you hear speech sounds in either quiet or noisy conditions. These information helps us to decide on how to manage your listening strategies.